to see the reaction now with so-called loved ones, a little like the series Prison Break and the section "test" .. I do not know the need to be seen for performance and presentation but this morning I was happy inside when one of the favorite personal trainers and receptionist arrived at me and announced that I had won Actic Uppsala's push-up "competition" and that she wanted me a prize here at the reception. When I found out what the price consisted of, I said "the price that would please me the most is a gym card for my girlfriend my" or that you pay her direct debit while I said "bring my strong girlfriend where it suffers and she will take home the female competition ". Then I got a profit hug .. How, at best, now wonder how the reaction is from some?
Bra där Jocke GRATTIS och du hade säkert gjort fler om så behövts ;-)